It is very difficult to evaluate prices without reviewing tech packs or designs.

Having said that, we have products under $5, under $10 and a whole different price points. We have even done products with price points above $3000 USD per unit.

Before price, it is important that you evaluate our MOQs. Our MOQs are not defined by quantity but by order value. If you are going for a standard product with average value of say $10 or even $20 : then the total order value calculation for 20 pcs in 6 models (designs) : 120 pcs would be $20 x 120 pcs = $2400

Our minimum order value is $25k : this would not be even 10% of our Minimum Order Value

We would recommend that you our FAQs on MOQ

You may also find some of the questions below useful (links):

What are the MOQs of Hula Global?

Is there a minimum order value in terms of USD amount?

How to calculate product costing?

How are our margins calculated?