We have refunds by type: some are refundable while others are not.
- Product Development Charges - Non- refundable because these are service charges
- Sample Charges : 100% refundable, adjusted with the billing amount when you place the order
- Sample (re) charges - manufacturer error : If the samples were not made as per the specification (tech pack), then samples are re-done again and you don't have to pay charges for making the sample again.
- Sample (re) charges - brand error : If the samples were not made as per the specification (tech pack) because there was no clear guideline or you missed out a comment, then you would have to bear those additional charges unless those charges are waived off or are part of iteration cost as previously agreed or if you are part of any of the accelerator plans
- Purchase Orders : Non-refundable (except for HGQA). Please read our answer to returns policy.
- Hula Global Quality Assurance : If you have opted for HGQA, your refunds would be determined by your policy document.
Other charges:
- Accelerator charges - Non- refundable because these are service charges
- Courier charges : Non-refundable