In such cases, we are not a good fit. In fact we will advice you not to work with a factory supplier in such a scenario. Instead find a local wholesale store or a dropship supplier or someone on Alibaba / Ali Express.
Without having proper documentation (tech packs, samples, size sets) : we strongly advice not to work with a factory supplier. This is because at factory level - what looks "obvious" to you may not be that obvious to the factory because the levels of customisations and combinations possible at the factory level is HUGE.
Not having proper documentation in place, leaves open a very wide gap for miscommunication and misunderstanding.
Having said that, we have a separate Quick Launch program where the MOQs are not as high as Private Label - so if you are looking at 100-200 pcs per style and may be 10/15 different designs or model - aggregate 2000-3000 pcs - then perhaps Quick Launch program could be an interesting alternative